I decided to make a 2 day trip to Madison one of these last weekends solely focused on Then & Now's. I spent some time in the beautiful building that houses the Wisconsin State Historical Museum....just some amazing architecture to gawk at. I begun my research and came across another re-photographer warrior's book named Double Take: A Rephotographic survey of Madison, Wisconsin - by photographer Zane Williams; this book helped me immensely with my research, solely for the reason that it allowed me to see, without being there, what is actually there now, and get an idea of what is possible, and what images would be best for my style of Then & Now.
Once scouting on location for the Now shot, it was actually particularly difficult as I only had the digital version on my iPhone screen, in the bright daylight, I waited for the sun to be in just the right position, to allow the shadow cast on the dome of the Capitol to line up. This was a very exciting part of the post production when I was able to fade the two times over the Capitol, splitting the statues and the dome itself into a blend of black and white and color - its difficult to decipher which is which. This image is also great as it shows a 50/50 blend of Then & Now's architecture on each side of the image.
An absolutely wonderful combination!